FOR MASS AND LITURGY OF THE WORD & LAY COMMUNION SERVICES, please click on the community/church name below to view times and descriptions. Contact information for the priest and lay pastoral associate is also provided. You may connect with them directly to confirm their schedules.
Established: 1962
Address: Beaver Creek Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0B 1A0 No resident priest Holy Mass: On rotation from Whitehorse *Contact the Diocese of Whitehorse at 867-667-2052 or [email protected] for Mass schedule BURWASH LANDING: OUR LADY OF THE ROSARy
Established: 1944
Address: Burwash Landing Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0B 1V0 No resident priest Holy Mass: On rotation from Whitehorse *Contact the Diocese of Whitehorse at 867-667-2052 or [email protected] for Mass schedule CARCROSS: SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST
Established: 1930
Address: 106 Murphy Place, Carcross Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0B 1B0 Priest: Fr. Leo Llames (from Our Lady of Victory Parish in Whitehorse) Phone: 867-633-2647 Email: [email protected] Mass/Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service: Sunday at 3:00pm *Visit the photo gallery for photos of the Our Lady of Carcross Grotto which was blessed by Most Rev. Héctor Vila on October 27, 2019
Established: 1944
Address: 35732 Klondike Highway; Box 262, Carmacks Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0B 1C0 No resident priest Mass/Liturgy of the Word & Lay Communion Services (Priests/lay ministers on rotation from Whitehorse): Sunday 10:30am * Contact the Diocese of Whitehorse at 867-667-2052 or [email protected] for Mass schedule. (Mon-Fri 8:30am to 4:00pm). DAWSON CITY: SAINT MARY
Established: 1897
Address: P.O. Box 277; 466 King Street, Dawson City Territory: Yukon Postal Code: Y0B 1G0 Rectory: 867-993-5361 Email: [email protected] Administrator: Fr. Hernando Coronel Mass: Saturday (Anticipatory) 5:00pm Sunday 10:30am Weekday masses: 5:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Friday 4:30pm Confession: by appointment FARO: CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES
Established: 1970
Address: P.O. Box 38; Kitza Avenue, Faro (across from post office) Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0B 1K0 No resident priest Mass/Liturgy of the Word & Lay Communion Services (Priests/lay ministers on rotation from Whitehorse): Sunday 10:00am or 2:30pm * Contact the Diocese of Whitehorse at 867-667-2052 or [email protected] for Mass schedule. (Mon-Fri 8:30am to 4:00pm). HAINES JUNCTION: OUR LADY OF THE WAY
Established: 1954
Address: P.O. Box 5314, Haines Junction Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0B 1L0 No resident priest Mass/Liturgy of the Word & Lay Communion Services (Priests/lay ministers on rotation from Whitehorse): Sunday 10:30am * Contact the Diocese of Whitehorse at 867-667-2052 or [email protected] for Mass schedule. MAYO: CHRIST THE KING
Established: 1935 Address: P.O. Box 159; Centre Street, Mayo Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0B 1M0 Mass (on rotation) from Dawson City: Every 3rd Sunday of the month at 5pm beginning May 21, 2023 Priest: Fr. Hernando Coronel Rectory (St Mary): (867) 993-5361 ROSS RIVER: SAINT MICHAEL
Established: 1945
Address: P.O. Box 29; Ross River Road, Ross River Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0B 1S0 No resident priest Mass (Priests on rotation from Whitehorse): Sunday 2:30pm or 6:00pm (Confessions 2:00 or 5:00pm) * Contact the Diocese of Whitehorse at 867-667-2052 or [email protected] for Mass schedule. (Mon-Fri 8:30am to 4:00pm). TESLIN: IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY
Established: 1938
Address: P.O. Box 68; 26 Johnson Street, Teslin Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0A 1B0 Lay Pastoral Associate: Ms. Trudy Moessner Rectory: (867) 390-2601 Email: [email protected] Priest on rotation (from Whitehorse) Mass/Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service: Sunday 10:30am *Contact Trudy in Teslin to confirm the Mass schedule WATSON LAKE: SAINT ANN
Established: 1944
Address: P.O. Box 261; Adela Trail, Watson Lake Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0A 1C0 Rectory: (867) 536-2377 Email: [email protected] Administrator: Fr. Leo Maung Kyaw Win Associate Pastor: Fr. Ain Leetma Weekday Mass: 5:30pm Mass: Saturday at 5:30pm Sunday at 10:00am WHITEHORSE (PORTER CREEK):
OUR LADY OF VICTORY Established: 1975
Address: 1607 Birch St., Whitehorse Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y1A 3X1 Pastor: Rev. Leo Llames Telephone: (867) 633-2647 Email: [email protected] Website: Weekday Mass: Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday 6:00 p.m. Sunday Mass: Saturdays 7:00 p.m. Sundays 10:00am Confession: by appointment WHITEHORSE (DOWNTOWN):
Address: 406 Steele St., Whitehorse Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y1A 2C8 Tel: (867) 667-2437 (Parish office) Rector: Fr. Slawomir Szwagrzyk (Fr. Slawek) Assistant Pastor: Fr. Michael Win Sunday Mass: English masses: Saturday 5pm Sunday 9am, 10:30am, 7pm French mass: Sunday 12 noon Weekday Mass: English: Monday - Friday 12:10 p.m. French: Wednesday 5:00pm Confessions: Daily at 11:30 a.m. and Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Website: French Catholic Community administration office Tel: (867) 393-4791 upper liard: our lady of the yukon
* Masses are currently not being celebrated at this church. Please consider attending in Watson Lake.
Established: 1956 Address: Upper Liard Province: Yukon Territory Postal Code: Y0A 1C0 Tel (Watson Lake rectory): (867) 536-5024 Email: [email protected] Priest on rotation (from Watson Lake): Fr. Leo Kyaw Win |
Established: 1907
Address: P.O. Box 265, Atlin Province: British Columbia Postal Code: V0W 1A0 No resident priest Priest on rotation (from Whitehorse): Sunday 4:00 p.m. *MASS IS NOT EVERY WEEKEND. Contact the Diocese of Whitehorse at 867-667-2052 or [email protected] for Mass schedule (Mon-Fri 8:30am to 3:30pm). DEASE LAKE: SAINT MARY MAGDALENE
Established: 1937
Address: P.O. Box 165, Dease Lake Province: British Columbia Postal Code: V0C 1L0 St. Mary Magdalene is in the care of the Associate Pastor from St. Ann Catholic Mission in Watson Lake, YT Associate Pastor (St. Ann): Fr. Ain Leetma Rectory (Watson Lake): (867) 536-2377 Rectory (Dease Lake): (250) 636-4001 Email: [email protected] Mass: Sunday 1:00pm*
Click here for photos of the newly-built St. Mary Magdalene Log Church which was dedicated by Most Rev. Héctor Vila on November 11, 2018. FORT NELSON: OUR LADY OF SORROWS
Established: 1950
Address: P.O. Box 450, Fort Nelson Province: British Columbia Postal Code: V0C 1R0 Administrator: Fr. Michael Aung Naing Win Rectory (Our Lady of Sorrows): (250) 774-6664 Email: [email protected] Anticipatory Mass: Saturday 5:30 p.m. Confession 4:45-5:15pm Sunday Mass: 10:00 a.m. Confession 9:00-9:30am, Rosary 9:40am Daily Mass (Monday to Friday): 6:30 pm Confession 5:45-6:15pm Adoration after Mass on Friday Reconciliation: Upon request *The church is open daily from 8:00am to 8:00pm. Potluck Lunch at OLOS: 1st Sunday of every month (beginning Sunday, November 3rd) For current information on Masses and events at the parish, visit Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Fort Nelson, BC Facebook page. GOOD HOPE LAKE: OUR LADY OF GOOD HOPE
Address: Stewart Cassiar Highway Province: British Columbia Postal Code: No resident priest St. Mary Magdalene is in the care of the Associate Pastor from St. Ann Catholic Mission in Watson Lake, YT Associate Pastor (St. Ann): Fr. Ain Leetma Rectory (Watson Lake): (867) 536-2377 Rectory (Dease Lake): (250) 636-4001 Email: [email protected] Mass: Sunday 1:00pm* Local contact person: Roland Altmann Tel: (250) 239-3888 Mass/Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service: First and/or second Saturday of the month 4:00pm (Yukon time)* * Subject to change. iskut: our lady of fatima
Established: 1962 Address: Stewart-Cassiar Highway, Iskut Province: British Columbia Postal Code: V0J 1K0 St. Mary Magdalene is in the care of the Associate Pastor from St. Ann Catholic Mission in Watson Lake, YT Associate Pastor (St. Ann): Fr. Ain Leetma Rectory (Watson Lake): (867) 536-2377 Rectory (Dease Lake): (250) 636-4001 Email: [email protected] Mass: Sunday 10:30am LOWER POST: HOLY FAMILY
Established: 1937
Address: Lower Post Province: British Columbia Postal Code: V0C 1W0 Priest on rotation (from Watson Lake): Fr. Leo Win Rectory (St. Ann in Watson Lake): Phone: (867) 536-2377 Email: [email protected] Mass (on rotation): Sunday 1:30pm - Once or twice a month* * Contact the Watson Lake rectory or the Diocese of Whitehorse at 867-667-2052 or [email protected] to confirm Mass times. mile 295: sacred heart
Established: 1947
Address: Fort Nelson First Nation, Mile 295 Alaska Highway Province: British Columbia Postal Code: V0C 1R0 Administrator: Fr. Michael Aung Naing Win Rectory (Our Lady of Sorrows): (250) 774-6664 Email: [email protected] Mass: Sunday 1:00 pm For current information on Masses and events at the parish and in the Fort Nelson area, visit Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Fort Nelson, BC Facebook page. PROPHET RIVER: SAINT PAUL
Established: 1947
Address: Prophet River Province: British Columbia Postal Code: V0C 2V0 Administrator: Fr. Michael Aung Naing Win Rectory (Our Lady of Sorrows): (250) 774-6664 Email: [email protected] Mass: 2nd & 4th Sunday Location: Administration Building For current information on Masses and events at the parish and in the Fort Nelson area, visit Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Fort Nelson, BC Facebook page. TELEGRAPH CREEK: sAINT THERESA
Established: 1926 Address: P.O. Box 17, Telegraph Creek Province: British Columbia Postal Code: V0J 2W0 Lay Pastoral Associates: Mr. Joshua and Mrs. Denise Grimard Tel: (250) 636-4014 (Telegraph Creek) Email: [email protected] Mass/Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service: Sunday at 5:00pm * Mass is occasionally celebrated on the Saturday. Please call St. Theresa's in Telegraph Creek to confirm. ------------------- Update on St. Theresa's: Catholic Register Article - Oct 3, 2021 ------------------- In August 2018, St. Theresa's Church and Rectory along with many resident homes in Telegraph Creek were destroyed by a wildfire. By the grace of God and many generous donors, we are pleased to tell you that the construction of the new church and rectory is complete and the Grimard Family have moved back to Telegraph Creek. The Dedication of the church and altar, originally scheduled for November 28, 2020, has been delayed to Covid-19 health restrictions. Please check back regularly for details. More information about the wildfire damage can be found in these articles: BC Catholic - August 10, 2018 BC Catholic - August 23, 2018 The rebuilding of the new St. Theresa's Church and Rectory is complete. Click here to see photos of the construction.
The new church in Telegraph Creek
Location |
Contact UsSt. Kateri Pastoral Centre
Roman Catholic Diocese of Whitehorse 5119 – 5th Avenue Whitehorse, YT Y1A 1L5 Phone: (867) 667-2052 Fax: (867) 667-4713 Email: [email protected] |